Before you begin, you must create an app and attach plans to it. An app can have multiple plans. Plan grants access to app. Plans may expire over the time but not your app.
API Plan:
Defines the access to football data for a specified duration or season.
Data Plan:
Defines the access limitation for an app
Access key & Secret key:
A unique keys for your application, which is generated by us. Please don't share it with others.
Device ID:
An unique id per device or browser, provided by you.
Access token:
An unique key provided by us, which expires in a a short time. To access any API, you need the following token.
Endpoint: Endpoints Of Football API.
Current version: 1.0.0
All API are accessible via simple HTTP protocol. Access token is required for all APIs except auth api. Response is always in JSON even when if there is an error in request. Response always follows the same structure. API is only accessible via HTTPS protocol. All API response are always gzip encoded. Read Content-Type header in the response, before processing the content. Most library takes care of decoding gzip by default. Cache
Our API supports Etag based caching. In all response, if a cache is applicable for the request, we will provide you Etag. You can also get ETag from the response header. When you make request with a ETag, we will return 304 status if data is not modified. Its very useful, when you are calling same api multiple times for the score update, you will save lots of bandwidth. And you don't need to refresh the screen, if nothing is changed. Learn more about ETag here Wiki ETag and Facebook ETag.